Beats Beats Beats

currently RUBEN VOGEL and Me are working on a new project called basie.  We use a strong band of friendship in our music to create an unique style in hip hop. since we both are multi-instrumentalists, basie’s repertoire has a huge amount of sounds and instruments, which comes with musically freedom. with the aim of creating new music with a diverse amount of artists, basie uses this musically flexibility to adapt to the artists output, but with ruben and hannes as a constant bas(i)e. 

Our writing and production style ranges from different genres like jazz, funk soul and r’n’b, to pop, indie or experimental music – with a an hip hop approach. let’s call it alternative hip hop. this is visible in some of basie’s latest work. they produced their first instrumentals, looking forward the right artist to collaborate with.


currently Ruben Vogel and Me are working on a project called basie. We use a strong band of friendship in our music to create an unique style in hip hop. since we both are multi-instrumentalists, basie’s repertoire has a huge amount of sounds and instruments, which comes with musical freedom. with the aim of creating new music with a diverse amount of artists, basie uses this musical flexibility to adapt to the artists output, but with ruben and hannes as a constant bas(i)e. 

Our writing and production style ranges from different genres like jazz, funk soul and r’n’b, to pop, indie or experimental music – with a an hip hop approach. let’s call it alternative hip hop. this is visible in some of basie’s latest work. they produced their first instrumentals, looking forward the right artist to collaborate with.

basie track moodboards







More beats beats beats


I am also working on an aria consisting of 5 pieces. The central theme is a swamp and the many hearts that beat in such a place. All pieces are written for chamber orchestra and will be premiered in spring /24. 

I am also working on an aria consisting of 5 pieces. The central theme is a swamp and the many hearts that beat in such a place. All pieces are written for chamber orchestra and will be premiered in spring /24.